modele de lettre de demande de rendez vous gratuite Modele de lettre type
modele de lettre de demande de rendez vous gratuite Modele de lettre type


Lettre Type De Demande De Rendez Vous Avec Un Client is a common practice in the business world. It is a formal way to request a meeting with a client to discuss important matters related to the business relationship. Writing a well-crafted letter can increase the chances of securing a meeting and establishing a strong connection with the client. In this article, we will provide tips and guidelines on how to write an effective lettre type de demande de rendez vous avec un client.

Problems and Solutions

Problem 1: Lack of Clarity

One common problem in writing a lettre type de demande de rendez vous avec un client is the lack of clarity in the purpose of the meeting. If the client does not understand why you want to meet, they may be hesitant to accept the invitation.

Solution: Clearly state the purpose of the meeting in the letter. Explain why you want to meet and what topics you would like to discuss. Be specific and provide enough information to convince the client that the meeting is beneficial for both parties.

Problem 2: Ineffective Communication

Another problem that can arise is ineffective communication in the letter. If the language used is too formal or technical, the client may find it difficult to understand the message. This can lead to confusion and a lack of response.

Solution: Use clear and concise language in the letter. Avoid jargon and technical terms that the client may not be familiar with. Keep the tone friendly and professional, but also approachable. Use simple and straightforward sentences to convey your message effectively.

Problem 3: Lack of Personalization

Many letters of this nature can sound generic and impersonal, which can make the client feel like they are just another name on a list. This can decrease the chances of securing a meeting.

Solution: Personalize the letter by mentioning specific details about the client or their business. Show that you have done your research and that you value their time and expertise. This personal touch can make the client feel important and increase the likelihood of them accepting the meeting.


Example 1: “Dear [Client’s Name], I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to request a meeting with you to discuss the new marketing campaign we are planning for the upcoming quarter. As you know, our company has been working on a comprehensive strategy to reach a wider audience and increase brand awareness. We believe that your insights and expertise would be invaluable in guiding us towards success. We would like to present our ideas and get your feedback on the proposed campaign. We can meet at your convenience either in person or via video conference. I look forward to hearing from you and arranging a suitable time. Thank you for your time and consideration. Best regards, [Your Name]”

Example 2: “Bonjour [Client’s Name], J’espère que vous allez bien. Je vous écris pour vous demander un rendez-vous afin de discuter de notre partenariat en cours et des opportunités de collaboration future. Nous avons grandement apprécié notre collaboration jusqu’à présent et nous pensons qu’il est important de se rencontrer en personne pour discuter des prochaines étapes. Nous aimerions discuter de nos objectifs communs, des défis que nous pourrions rencontrer et des possibilités d’expansion de notre partenariat. Nous sommes disponibles à votre convenance pour organiser cette réunion. Merci beaucoup pour votre attention et nous espérons avoir la chance de discuter bientôt. Cordialement, [Votre Nom]”

Example 3: “Dear [Client’s Name], I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to request a meeting with you to discuss the recent issues we have encountered with our product. We value your feedback and believe that your expertise can help us resolve these issues and improve the overall user experience. We have been working diligently to identify and address the problems, and we would greatly appreciate the opportunity to discuss them with you in detail. Your insights and suggestions will be invaluable in shaping our future actions. Please let us know a convenient time and place for the meeting. Thank you for your attention, and we look forward to meeting you soon. Best regards, [Your Name]”


Writing a lettre type de demande de rendez vous avec un client is an important skill for anyone in the business world. By addressing common problems such as lack of clarity, ineffective communication, and lack of personalization, you can increase the chances of securing a meeting with your client. Remember to clearly state the purpose of the meeting, use clear and concise language, and personalize the letter to make the client feel valued. With these tips in mind, you can write an effective letter that will help you establish a strong connection with your client and achieve your business goals.

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FR Lettres,

Last Update: February 3, 2024

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